What are the best career choices for your child going forward?
Career Counselling for 12th Standard students
Key aspects and considerations
What’s next? The question of uncertainty looms large.
Why it is more important to plan your career in the right direction now?
A few important facts to know why it’s at your best interest to get expert guidance for your child’s secure future.
Research says 63% of students feel the initial career plans have been badly hit.
42% feel they have been forced to reconsider their career choices during this ongoing pandemic
78% of students who had originally planned to go abroad to study have changed their minds regarding pursuing higher education.
42% of the students have opted for online certification courses.
Whereas 47% of the students are utilising this time to prepare for their entrance exams. To read more visit
Career preparation should start in high school, but it shouldn’t end with graduation: Most occupations require some type of training or education after high school.
The 3-point strategy to plan a career
Career planning is most often confusing for students. Their minds, their hearts all speak thousands of different voices. If you are a student, then your parents, siblings and the world around also do an excellent job clouding your mind with their notions
Those who adapt shall survive and eventually thrive and people who stay rigid will eventually be left behind. So start planning your options with an open and versatile mind. Do not fear failure and remember that an honest career may be a long marathon and albeit you miss a lap or two, you’ll always recover.
With various posts and information loaded on social media students are during a whirlpool of uncertainty. Some will use the crisis as an excuse and succumb to the pressures, spoiling their options and pushing back their careers, whereas those who will approach this crisis during a strategic and planned manner will emerge victorious.
At this point students and parents must take well informed decisions and take the guidance from career counselors to make right choices.
What are the indicators for great career choices?
There are 3 things we have to stay in consideration before planning any career.
- The first is ‘interests’
What intrigues you when you hear “career”?
Are you fascinated with numbers or are you an outdoorsy individual?
Are you a social individual or does one work best once you are in isolation?
Self-awareness may be a key here and using that, list out the careers that fascinate you. By choosing the right fit that matches your overall interests, you’re more likely to enjoy your academics, and later the job you are in. That defines you as a successful individual. With the help of scientific tools (assessments) one can identify careers that meet your interests.
- The second step is ‘abilities’
Are you ready to jumpstart, change and advance in your career path? You might have an interest in finance as a career but if you’re battling and are weak in mathematics then it’d not really be an honest option for you. Of course, you’ll work on your abilities on the other hand there are limitations. Understanding our limitations is vital to successful career planning.
- The third step ‘understand the scope and potential’
This is where we need to analyse the scope of a career within the current times. Post-Covid, many careers including hotel management, travel, and tourism, hospitality are adversely affected. There would be some individuals who have waited all their lives for a career in these sectors. While I do empathise with them my suggestion would be to be smart with their choices and flow with the change. There are innumerable career options now especially with the NEP one can choose chemistry, psychology, philosophy etc…, which couldn’t even be thought of earlier.
My belief that students can experiment during their graduation careers, determine their true calling, and do a post graduation or a diploma within the field of their choice.
The biggest question would be whether you’re prepared for that chance at that point? Or you have lost your motivation and hence you surrender to the crisis. That’s is why it is critical to figure out what interests you and then develop right skills required to master in that particular domain Keep learning and up scaling various skills to cope with the changing scenario. Of course, post-corona there’ll be some careers which can be of very high demand.
Trending Careers with the ongoing pandemic are: Information technology, data science, analytics, Big data, cloud computing, 3D printing, robotics, cyber security, web development etc is the beginning as we speak. It’s time that students start learning about different statistical tools and software to enhance their prospects. Block chain, asset management, AI, machine learning, and automation may be the new reality. It’s time people start getting savvy with these skills. Coding and digital marketing are two other domains where there’ll be tons of options in coming days.
Remember this within the current scenario and therefore the coming days — ‘Skills are the new grades’. Biology-based careers also are getting to see an increase, as an investment in medical research and development goes to urge an enormous boost. Genetic mapping, analysis, and alternate medicine are getting to draw an enormous investment in the post-Covid era. It’s important that students start experimenting and exploring different options to find out their true calling.
Fulfilling student life is one during which you experiment, explore, evolve, and eventually succeed. It’s time student’s start interning more regularly to seek out what they’re meant to do. Look out for online internships and online courses.
Coming to the foremost important skill that each student, parent, and teacher would require in abundance, is Emotional Intelligence.
None of your skills are ever getting to be effective unless you learn to be mentally and emotionally tough. This difficult time is testing students and therefore the one thing they have to find out quickly is that the ability to handle pressure and uncertainty. Even as all bad times, this too shall pass. However, what would be interesting to ascertain is whether or not we all came out of it strong or dispirited. This phase is supposed to cause disruption. Those that adapt shall survive and eventually thrive and people who stay rigid will eventually be left behind.
So start planning your options with an open and versatile mind.
Don’t fear failure and remember that an honest career may be a long marathon and albeit you miss a lap or two, you’ll always recover. To gain a detailed insight I would encourage you to visit https://www.bls.gov/careeroutlook/2015/article/career-planning-for-high-schoolers.htm